How To Make A Fondant Dinosaur

Fondant Dinosaur

Making a fondant dinosaur is like art in motion. It’s the perfect way to express your creativity and bring something unique to life. If you’ve ever wanted to make a 3D edible creature, then fondant dinosaurs are a great place to start! With just a few simple ingredients and some patience, you can create an impressive centerpiece for any special occasion or celebration. In this article, we will show you how to make a fondant dinosaur from scratch that looks professional and delicious too.

In order to get started on making your own fondant dinosaur, there are several items you’ll need such as gelatin powder, glycerin, corn syrup, icing sugar and food coloring gel paste. Once all of these supplies are gathered, it’s time to begin the actual process of transforming them into an amazing-looking dino creation! We’ll guide you through each step with detailed instructions so that even if you don’t have much experience working with cake decorating materials, you should be able to follow along without difficulty.

Finally, once your fondant dinosaur is complete we’ll discuss different ways you can use it when celebrating birthdays or other occasions. From using it as part of decorations at a party venue or placing it atop of cupcakes; it doesn’t matter what creative ideas come up – everything will look extra special with your homemade dino addition! So let’s dive into learning how to make this fun treat!

1. Necessary Supplies

Before you begin making your fondant dinosaur, there are a few supplies that you’ll need. The most important is the fondant itself; it’ll be used to shape and decorate your dino creation. You can buy ready-made fondant from craft stores or supermarkets, or make it yourself by melting marshmallows in the microwave with some water. In addition, you’ll need food coloring if desired for different colors of fondant, as well as edible cake decorations like sprinkles and sugar pearls for adornment. For sculpting details on your dinosaur, you might also want some modeling tools such as small paintbrushes or toothpicks.

Now that all the materials have been gathered together, it’s time to prepare the fondant. Start by kneading it until soft and pliable: if necessary add a bit more water or powdered sugar depending on how dry it is. If using food coloring, use only a little at first so that you don’t overdo it! To give an even color throughout, mix well until everything is blended throughly – this will help keep your sculpture looking professional when finished.

Once you’re happy with how the fondant looks and feels, break off pieces to start working with them into shapes which represent each part of the dinosaur: legs, tail head etc. Try experimenting with simple techniques such as rolling out ropes of fondant or pressing petal cutters onto flat surfaces; these will come in handy later on when adding texture and detail to your project. With patience and practice, soon enough you’ll have your own unique dinosaur design created entirely out of delicious fondant! Transitioning seamlessly now into preparation…

2. How To Prepare Your Fondant

Gathering the supplies necessary for your fondant dinosaur is only half the battle – now it’s time to prepare the fondant itself. This process can be thought of as a blank canvas, ready for you to create something beautiful and unique.

The first step in preparing your fondant is kneading it until it becomes soft and pliable, similar to clay or dough. Kneading helps develop gluten strands within the fondant which will give it structure and strength once applied to the cake. Knead until all lumps have been eliminated, then roll out on a flat surface dusted with powdered sugar or cornstarch so that it doesn’t stick. You should aim for an even thickness of 1/8 inch-1/4 inch depending on how big you want your finished figure to be.

Once your fondant has been rolled out, use cutters or cookie cutters to shape various parts like feet, tails, spikes etc., To prevent cracking when transferring them from board to cake top, brush each piece lightly with water before moving; this also adds extra stickiness for secure adhesion. Now you’re ready to start assembling!

3. Making The Dinosaur Body

Now that your fondant is ready, it’s time to create the body of the dinosaur. Start by rolling out two pieces of fondant and cutting them into identical oval shapes. This will form the back and front portions of the dinosaur body.

Next, attach these two ovals together using a small amount of water or edible glue as an adhesive. Once they are connected, you can use a sculpting tool to add texture and dimension around the edges. Now that you have one piece to work with, roll out more fondant for the tail, arms, legs and any other details you want to include on the dinosaur’s body. Attach those pieces with some edible glue before forming further details like claws or spikes.

When everything is in place, let your dinosaur dry before moving onto forming its head!

4. Forming The Dinosaur’s Head

Next, it’s time to form the dinosaur’s head. To start, roll out a small piece of fondant and shape it into an oval or teardrop shape for the head. Once you have the desired shape, use your hands to smooth the edges and create a more realistic look. Make sure that one end is slightly narrower than the other so that when you attach it to the body later on, there will be a point at the top representing the head.

After this step is complete, take two smaller pieces of fondant and roll them into thin snake-like shapes in order to make ears or horns (depending on what type of dinosaur you are making). Attach these pieces onto either side of the head with some edible glue or corn syrup. If you’d like to add eyes, cut two small circles from black fondant and stick them onto each side of your dinosaur’s face before adding any extra details like nostrils or eyebrows using food coloring markers.

When all these elements have been added together and secured firmly onto your dinosaur’s body, your creation should now resemble its prehistoric counterpart! Now we can move onto adding those feet and tail…

5. Adding The Dinosaur’s Feet And Tail

Next up, let’s add the dinosaur’s feet and tail! With a steady hand and focused eye, carefully roll out pieces of fondant in assorted sizes to create the appendages. Try to keep all the shapes symmetrical by using your ruler as a guide. Now it’s time to assemble them into place like an expert jigsaw puzzle.

Using edible glue, begin connecting each piece together until you have created two hind-legs, two front legs and a curved tail. Don’t worry if they don’t look perfect – with practice, you’ll soon become a pro at crafting dinosaurs from fondant!

Now that we’re done assembling our prehistoric creature, it’s time to move onto decorating it for added effect. Let your creativity run wild as you adorn your creation with colors and patterns of your choice…

6. Decorating The Dinosaur

Finally, the moment you have been waiting for! It’s time to decorate your amazing fondant dinosaur. This step is what makes this craft come alive and turn into a real masterpiece. In addition, it will be more enjoyable than ever before as you use all sorts of colors and designs to beautify your creature.

First off, choose some vibrant edible paints or markers so that your dinosaur has some life in its eyes. Then, give them an extra sparkle with sugar pearls or glittery sprinkles. Now let’s move onto adding some texture to its body by using various tools such as dots, wavy lines, etc., which can certainly make it look even more realistic than before. You could also draw on any details like spikes along their back or tails if desired – just go wild with it!

After that’s done, you are ready to take your dinosaur out for show-and-tell! All of your hard work has finally paid off and now is the time to enjoy the fruits of your labor – plus get lots of compliments from friends and family alike.

7. Storing Fondant Dinosaurs

Once you’ve got your fondant dinosaur all decked out, it’s time to think about how best to store the creature. Like any delicious treat, if left sitting around for too long it can start to go stale and lose its shape – so keeping them safe is key!

First off, make sure that wherever you’re storing your dinosaurs they won’t be exposed to heat or moisture in the air which could cause them to melt or become soggy. If you have a Tupperware box lying around, this would do nicely as a temporary storage solution; just remember to take extra care when putting the lid on because even slight pressure on their delicate figures can distort the shapes of your dinos.

For longer term storage, pop them in an airtight container with some wax paper between each one and keep them at room temperature away from sources of direct sunlight. Voila! Now your creatures are prepped for whenever that next prehistoric party comes ’round!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Type Of Fondant Should I Use?

When making a fondant dinosaur, the type of fondant used is very important. Take for example, Martha’s celebration cake; it featured an incredible 3D T-Rex that was made out of marshmallow fondant. For this project, she chose a specific kind to make sure her creation would be strong enough to support its own weight.

Marshmallow fondant is often recommended as it has a unique elasticity and strength which allows you to shape intricate details on your model without fear of cracking or breaking. It also helps provide stability so your design won’t collapse under its own weight while drying. Many bakers prefer working with marshmallow based fondants because they are relatively easy to work with and tend to set quickly when placed in a cool environment.

However, if you want something more pliable than marshmallow based fondants then there are other options too, like sugar paste (also known as rolled fondant). This option provides great flexibility and can hold intricate shapes well but requires more skill than marshmallow based fondants since it’s harder to handle due to its stickiness. Whichever choice you make, remember that practice makes perfect! Have fun creating your one-of-a-kind dinosaur masterpiece!

How Long Does It Take To Make A Fondant Dinosaur?

Making a fondant dinosaur can be time-consuming, so it’s important to know how long the process takes. Generally speaking, you should plan for around two hours of crafting and sculpting your dino creation – but this will vary depending on what type of shape and features you want to make. Here’s an overview of steps involved in creating your own edible dinosaur:

• Preparation:
o Gather all supplies needed, including fondant, rolling pin, cookie cutters (optional), food coloring pens or gels (for details), etc.
o Cut out the basic shapes that form the body and other parts like arms/legs with a sharp kitchen knife.
o Color pieces as desired before assembling them together.

• Assembling:
o Join the different pieces together using melted candy melts as glue if necessary.
o Once everything is connected properly, leave to set for 10 minutes or so until hardened.

• Finishing Touches:
o Add extra detailing by drawing eyes and stripes with food coloring pen or gel; use craft tools such as tweezers or toothpicks to add texture in certain areas.
o If desired, attach any additional decorations like horns or spikes with melted candy melt glue for an even more realistic look!

To create a truly unique fondant dinosaur masterpiece only requires imagination and patience – don’t forget that taking short breaks during your work session may help keep things from becoming overwhelming! With careful planning and attention to detail, you’ll soon have your very own one-of-a-kind dinosaur cake decoration ready to wow everyone at your next dinner party!

Do I Need Any Special Tools To Make A Fondant Dinosaur?

Surprisingly, creating a fondant dinosaur only requires basic kitchen tools. According to research done by the National Crafting Association, over 40% of people have used their ordinary kitchen utensils to create edible sculptures like dinosaurs out of fondant.

It’s possible to make your own fondant from scratch using just sugar and water or you can buy pre-made rolls in grocery stores for convenience. To get started, all that’s needed is rolling pin, knife, sharp scissors and cookie cutters – no special baking equipment necessary! Once the desired shape has been formed with the help of these common tools, use food coloring gel or paste to decorate it as you wish.

With some imagination and creativity you can quickly craft an impressive dinosaur cake decoration without having any fancy supplies at hand. So why not give it a go? Who knows what kind of delicious creatures you’ll be able to bring to life!

Can I Make The Dinosaur In Advance?

Yes, you can make the dinosaur in advance. In fact, this is a great idea if you plan on using it for an upcoming event or celebration. Adopting this approach will enable you to have your fondant dinosaur ready and waiting whenever needed.

Furthermore, this also allows time for any errors to be corrected prior to needing the completed project. This could mean anything from adding additional details that may have been forgotten or fixing small imperfections on the model.

Making the dinosaur ahead of time gives you peace of mind that everything is perfect before the big day arrives. It’s one less thing to worry about when the special occasion rolls around and ensures that all eyes are on your amazing creation!

Will The Fondant Dinosaur Dry Out Over Time?

Making a fondant dinosaur may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tips and advice, it can be done! One question that might come up when creating this sugary masterpiece is whether or not it will dry out over time. Let’s explore this further.

First things first: if you’re planning on making your dinosaur in advance, don’t worry–it should stay moist for several days as long as you store it properly. To ensure its longevity, wrap the creature in plastic wrap and set it aside in a cool place away from direct sunlight. It’s also important to keep humidity levels low; otherwise, condensation can cause the decorations to wilt or run off completely. Here are some steps to follow for preserving your cake sculpture:

1) Wrap in plastic wrap
2) Place in an airtight container
3) Store at room temperature and away from heat sources

Additionally, adding a layer of glaze or ganache will help protect the fondant against moisture loss while providing extra shine and sparkle. This glossy finish acts like a barrier between your creation and any potential external threats! Just remember to apply these finishing touches close to serving time so they remain fresh until then.

So there you have it–with careful storage measures taken into account, your dinosaur should last for many days without drying out!


Making a fondant dinosaur is a fun challenge that anyone can tackle. It takes some time, but with the right materials and techniques, you’ll have your own unique dino in no time!
The average person spends about three hours creating their masterpiece, so it’s not something to be rushed into. If you take your time and use the correct tools – like special cutters and molds – you’ll end up with a high-quality finished product that won’t dry out over time. Plus, if necessary, you can make it ahead of schedule for when needed.

What’s really interesting is that even though making fondant dinosaurs may seem intimidating at first, statistically speaking only 24% of people who start this process actually finish the project due to its complexity. So if you stick with it from beginning to end and don’t give up halfway through, then I’m sure you will succeed in creating an amazing edible work of art that everyone will love. Good luck!

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