How To Make A Fondant Spider

How To Make A Fondant Spider

Do you shudder at the thought of creating a fondant spider? Fear not! With a few simple steps and some creative thinking, it is easier than one might imagine to make this creepy-crawly confection. Let us endeavour together on this culinary quest for terrorizing treats!

Have you ever seen something so beguiling yet so befuddling as a handmade fondant spider? The way its eight legs dance around while perched atop your cake makes them quite captivating! Whether you’re looking to spook guests or add an extra touch of whimsy to your desserts, these spiders are sure to do the trick.

So gather up yer supplies and prepare yourself for a delectable adventure – let’s learn how to craft our own gelatinous arachnids!

1. Gather Supplies

As they say, “A job worth doing is worth doing well.” So when you are making a fondant spider it pays to make sure that you have all the necessary supplies first. This will help ensure that your project turns out beautiful and isn’t ruined by having to pause in order to find something you need. Here’s what you’ll require: Fondant (in black and other colors of choice), edible markers, rolling pin, small sharp knife or craft blade, cornstarch or powdered sugar for dusting surface while rolling out fondant, scissors, toothpicks, round cutters (like biscuit cutters) of various sizes.

To begin with, roll out some black fondant about 1/4-inch thick using the rolling pin on top of a bed of corn starch or powdered sugar. Once rolled out properly use the round cutter set to create eight circles for legs – four bigger ones for back legs and four smaller ones for front legs. Cut two long strips from remaining fondant to create body parts such as head and abdomen sections adding details like eyes etc., if desired. Use scissors to shape them into delicate curves where needed. Finally use toothpick to poke holes at one end of each leg so that they can be attached securely onto the body later on.

Your fondant spider is almost ready! Time now to add color and decoration – but more on that later…

2. Color Fondant

Next, it’s time to color the fondant. You can use food coloring gels or liquid colors; just make sure they are labeled as edible and safe for consumption! Here’s a list of supplies you’ll need:

  1. Fondant
  2. Food Coloring Gels/Liquid Colors
  3. Mixing bowl & spoon
  4. Rolling pin (optional)

To start, mix your desired colors together in a mixing bowl – don’t be afraid to experiment with different shades until you find one you like! After that, roll out the fondant on a non-stick surface using either your hands or a rolling pin if needed. Once everything is evenly spread out, add drops of food coloring onto the fondant and work them into the dough with your hands until it’s colored all the way through. If there are any streaks left over after kneading, add more color until they disappear completely.

Now that your fondant has been properly dyed, you’re ready to move onto forming the spider body! With these simple steps, you can create an amazing treat perfect for Halloween or any other spooky occasion!

3. Form The Spider Body

Now that the fondant has been colored, it’s time to create the spider body. To do this, take a bit of fondant and roll it into an oval shape resembling the spider’s head and thorax. Make sure you leave room for eight legs – four on each side – so make sure your don’t make it too big or too small! Once you’ve got the right size, use scissors to cut two thin strips (for antennae) out of black fondant. Attach these to either end of the oval using some water as glue.

Next, add details like eyes and markings by rolling tiny bits of white and black fondant together and then pressing them onto the face of your spider body. If desired, you can also further customize your spider with other decorations such as spots or stripes. Finally, attach two toothpicks at either side of the thorax for stability once all the legs are attached. It should now look like a complete miniature spider!

With its body formed, we move on to creating those spindly little legs which will be what give our spider movement when placed atop a cake or cupcake.

4. Create The Spider’s Legs

Now that you have formed the spider body, it’s time to create its legs. To do so, roll out 8 small pieces of fondant into thin strips and shape them into curved or pointed legs. Make sure that each leg is roughly the same length and width as the other legs. If desired, lightly indent lines along each leg for added detail.

Once all eight legs are complete, set them aside on a plate covered with plastic wrap to prevent them from drying out too quickly. For an extra step in detail, use black edible food coloring markers to add stripes or dots onto your spider’s legs if desired.

Now that everything has been made, it’s time to attach the legs to the spider body. Place two opposite sides of the body together and insert four of the prepared fondant legs between them at even intervals. Gently press down on each one until they securely stick in place before moving onto attaching the remaining four legs in this manner.

5. Attach The Legs To The Spider Body

Did you know that spiders have between 4 and 8 pairs of legs? That’s a lot of legs to attach when making a fondant spider. Thankfully, this fifth step in the process is relatively straightforward.

First, roll out several pieces of black fondant into thin strips or “ropes” about 2-inches long; these will be used as the spider’s legs. Then, position them symmetrically around the edges of the body so they look balanced and even. Using some edible glue like royal icing, secure each leg at its base to ensure it won’t move during transport or handling. It may also help to gently press down on each leg with your finger for an extra strong hold – make sure it doesn’t stick to your fingers though!

Finally, use small pieces of white fondant rolled into balls for any eyes or decorations on the spider. Place one eye on either side near the top and use more royal icing if necessary to keep them attached securely. With all eight legs now fully assembled onto the body, your fondant spider should be ready for display – no matter how many actual eyes he has!

6. Assemble The Spider

The sixth step in making a fondant spider is to assemble the spider. To get started, place the body of your spider (which you created earlier) on a cake board or plate that allows for easy transport later. Then take each leg and attach it individually at an angle around the main body using edible glue. Once all eight legs have been attached, make sure that everything looks even and symmetrical by adjusting any crooked pieces as necessary.

Afterwards, use more edible glue to carefully stick together two eyes, which can be made from small circles of fondant or store-bought candy eyes. Make sure they are placed evenly across from one another so that your spider has balance when viewed straight on. Additionally, you could use a black food coloring marker to add extra details like eyebrows or mouth if desired.

Now that your spider is fully assembled, it’s time to give it some finishing touches before placing it onto your cake!

7. Add Finishing Touches

Once the spider is assembled, it’s time to add finishing touches. The decorations will make your spider look like a real-life creature! Start by adding eyes and legs with fondant or gum paste. You can also use food coloring to paint details onto the body of the spider for added realism. If you’d prefer something simpler, try attaching small sugar pearls or edible jewels to give your arachnid some sparkle.

When all the decorations are in place, it’s important not to forget about texture. To help give your spider an extra lifelike appearance, roll out thin strips of fondant and wrap them around its body for fur or feathery accents. This step may take some practice but don’t be afraid to experiment – your spider will look unique no matter what!

With these last additions complete, you should have a fantastic-looking fondant spider that would make any Halloween party guest squeal with delight!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Type Of Fondant Should I Use?

When making a fondant spider, the type of fondant you use will be key to the success of your project. It’s important to select a fondant that is easy to work with and won’t break apart when molded into shapes.

Here are five types of fondant that are ideal for creating spiders:
• Satin Ice – This high-quality brand offers both premium flavors and colors for shaping and decorating special treats.
• Wilton Rolled Fondant Icing – A popular choice among bakers due to its smooth texture and ease of use.
• ChocoPan Ready-To-Use Fondant – With its silky texture, it’s perfect for adding details like eyes or legs on your spider.
• Candy Melts Fondant – This versatile product can be used in many creative ways, such as coloring pieces for special occasions.
• Homemade Marshmallow Fondant – Easy to make at home using just marshmallows, butter and powdered sugar; this option is great if you’re looking for an inexpensive solution.

With so many options available, selecting the right type of fondant should not be difficult. There is something out there that suits everyone’s needs depending on what they would like their final creation to look like!

How Long Does It Take To Make The Spider?

Making a fondant spider is an incredibly fun craft project that can take anywhere from one to two hours, depending on your skill level. It’s as if time stands still when you’re in the zone of creating this sugary masterpiece! With just a few simple ingredients and some patience, you can turn ordinary fondant into a beautiful work of art worthy of any Halloween party or dessert table.

First, choose the type of fondant that best suits your vision for the spider. Fondant with added gum paste will give it more structure and allow you to shape intricate details like legs and eyes. Once you pick out your perfect flavor and color combination, knead it until pliable then roll it out onto a smooth surface lightly dusted with cornstarch or powdered sugar.

The next step is where all the magic happens: sculpting the body and adding delicate features. Use kitchen tools such as toothpicks, scissors, knives, measuring spoons and forks to bring your design to life; make sure to add extra texture by pressing small lines or dots into the fondant using different tips or ends of utensils! After each appendage has been molded accurately, let everything dry completely before attaching them together.

With these easy steps you’ll be able to create an awesome edible arachnid for your upcoming occasion – no web-slinging required!

Are There Any Special Tools Needed?

When making a fondant spider, certain tools are needed. Firstly, a rolling pin is necessary to roll out the fondant and create thin sheets for the spider legs. Additionally, an icing smoother can be used to make sure that the legs have flat surfaces with no bumps or creases. If available, an edible food coloring pen can be employed to add details such as eyes and other decorations.

It’s also useful to have some small cutters and cookie cutters on hand in order to shape the body of the spider properly. Furthermore, toothpicks or skewers may come in handy when joining different pieces together or when attaching them securely to the base. Lastly, having a craft mat which has measurements printed on it can help ensure that all parts are even and symmetrical.

With these few essential tools, you’ll be able to quickly and easily assemble your own fondant spider!

How Long Will The Spider Last?

It’s a common question when it comes to fondant spiders: how long will they last? This is a valid concern, as you want your spider to look great for the duration of its display. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to ensure that your spider remains in top shape for longer.

First and foremost, make sure you store your fondant spider properly. It should be kept away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures which could cause the fondant to crumble or melt quickly. Additionally, keep any objects out of reach that may accidentally knock over or damage it while on display.

In short, with proper care and storage techniques, your fondant spider can last anywhere from several days up to months at a time! So go ahead and take pride in creating something beautiful – just don’t forget about those important maintenance steps.

Can I Make The Spider Ahead Of Time?

Most of us find spiders rather creepy, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make them out of fondant for a special occasion. Believe it or not, you can have your cake and eat it too… by creating an edible spider! But before you start crafting this spooky treat, one question remains: Can I make the spider ahead of time?

The answer is yes – with some caveats. Here’s what to keep in mind when making a fondant spider ahead of time:
1) Make sure the environment isn’t too humid; otherwise, the spider will become soggy.
2) Prop up the finished product on something like foam so its legs don’t droop over time.
3) Place it in an airtight container away from direct sunlight and other sources of heat.
4) Only add decoration right before serving if possible since colors may run off due to humidity.

It’s best to craft your fondant arachnid as close to presentation time as possible while still allowing enough room for decorating details. If you follow these steps carefully, there’s no reason why your eight-legged friend won’t last until it’s ready to be served!


I’m sure you’re now ready to start making your fondant spider. With the right ingredients, tools and technique, this project can be completed in no time!

First, pick a type of fondant that works for you – whether it’s store-bought or homemade, there are plenty of options out there. Then gather up all the necessary tools like an exacto knife and rolling pin so you can shape and cut the fondant with ease. Assembling the pieces should take no more than 30 minutes, but make sure to set aside enough time just in case.

Once you’ve finished constructing your fondant spider, keep it stored in a cool, dry place until ready to use. Depending on how much humidity is present where you live and what kind of storage container you have, your creation can last anywhere from several days to weeks – even months if kept properly! And if you find yourself needing one ahead of time, don’t worry; as long as your fondant isn’t too sticky and has been rolled thin enough, pre-made spiders can easily be frozen for later use.

So go ahead – try your hand at sculpting sweet spiders from sugary dough! Your beautiful creations will surely bring delight to any special occasion.

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